Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aug 8 to 14 – San Francisco to Monterey, Santa Barbara, and Marina Del Rey

Aug 8 to 14 – San Francisco to Monterey, Santa Barbara, and Marina Del Rey

Erick and Geoff arrived at “Mariah” in Aquatic Park SF as my new crew to brave the trip from San Francisco to Southern California. We departed casually Wed 8/8 with the tide and before the wind filled in. We had a bumpy but fast overnight ride to Monterey arriving at dawn Thursday. Believe it or not, we surfed Mariah on brief spurts down swells regularly to 9 knots(per GPS) and actually hit 11.4 knots under reduced sail. Considering Mariah has only a 28 foot waterline and cruises at 5-6 knots, those brief surf speeds were awesome.

Departing SF

Speed over ground (SOG)-Yahoo!!

After a bumpy passage, which seems par for the course, we were all a little queasy and happy to be back on land again.  Geoff found wifi and spent most of the day being work productive online. He also is training for the Alcratraz swim so went for a swim in the bay. Erick and I had a great breakfast at a café and walked around the historic path around town. We discussed his first real sailing experience and getting sea legs…he had it the worst but he is a tough cookie and hung in there.  I had no idea Monterey has such history and historic buildings. I haven’t seen Erick in years so it was great catching up.

Geoff working hard

Erick trapped in the "cave"

We departed the next morning, Friday, from Monterey for Santa Barbara. This was to be a night passage which was bumpy but getting less daily. We rounded Point Conception at dusk out of view of land under calm conditions. Again we arrived at dawn on Sunday. Geoff jumped ship to catch a bus home to SF. Erick spent the day with his family who drove up from the LA area and I worked on the boat and strolled beautiful Santa Barbara beaches and pier. I Had a great fish and chips lunch on the pier.

Geoff (left) departs from Santa Barbara

Departing Santa Barbara for Marina Del Rey

Sunning Seals

Erick and I departed Santa Barbara Monday morning for our last overnight passage to Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles. It was a great warm, sunny sail with calm seas…FINALLY! We sailed within view of Rincon Beach where my family was camping with my sister and dad.  Around the same time, we were treated to multiple visits by dolphins jumping at the bow. We texted and talked to my family on the phone as we sailed by with spinnaker  flying. We sailed through the night until about 2 am when I grew tired of sailing at 2 knots. Under power we were able to arrive at Marina Del Rey at sunrise, Tuesday. After scrubbing down Mariah, she looked cleaner that ever however I found a small snake in the cockpit (I hope it can swim and was a loner). Erick took a bus home while I fiddle around the boat and await my families arrival tomorrow, Wednesday. We will set off for Catalina on Thursday for one week.
Cheers for now. Smooth sailing to all, Ken


Arriving smoggy but warm Los Angeles

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