Tuesday, August 7, 2012

SF and Delta Doo Dah with family

Thursday-July 26 Family in San Francisco
Anchored in Aquatic Park near Fisherman’s Wharf. Walked with the family to Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39 in the morning. Checked out the shops. There was a candy store with massive versions of gummy bears, rice krispy treats, etc. Maya bought some T-shirts and we bought some cheap sun glasses. I had my “In n Out” burger…yum.  Walked back to the car (minivan) and drove to Twin Peaks for the view and to Lombard street where it curves sharply (car line was too long so we walked it). Dave and his wife Trisha visited that evening on the boat then Dave took our minivan home for storage.

Friday - July 27  Sail to Angel Island and to Berkley Marina
We sailed from Aquatic Park to out under the Golden Gate Bridge and on to Angel Island. Hiked to the top of the mountain but this time it was foggy and the view was pretty limited.  Then sailed to Berkley Marina for the beginning of the Delta Doo Dah (Regatta of 50 sailboats up the Delta). We attended the first of many Yacht Club Visits and Meals. After dinner, there were announcements and introductions from each captain.

Saturday - July 28 Berkley Marina to Vallejo.
Sailed about 6 hours from Berkley to Vallejo. Tried out the Spinnaker in light winds but when they started to gust it was a struggle to pull the sock over the sail. Was able to do my laundry for the first time in 3 weeks since leaving Seattle. Met some more Doo Dah’ers and enoyed the pool table upstairs at the Yacht club.

Sunday – July 29 Vallejo to Sugar Barge Resort
Sailed downwind for 8 hours in warm sunny breezes. Was delayed for about an hour waiting to assist, if needed, SV Septer who drifted onto the rocks when his jib sheet wrapped his prop. Another boat was able to pull him off the rocks with minimal scrapes but needed a tow into the marina until his prop was cleared. We were tired after a long day of sailing so went to bed soon after arriving.

Monday – July 30 Day at the beach near Sugar Barge
Peter Yates organized his annual beach party for Delta Doo Dah’ers and included rum drinks, stand up paddle boards (SUPs) and water ski/wake board rides. We were ferried to the beach by an old military transport vessel with twin diesels that actually split in half for transport. We found one of the few shady spots on the beach to relax away from the day’s heat. Dylan enjoyed playing on the floating island with the other kids. Vinnie and I did wake boarding, Maya was pulled in an tow inflatable, and all of us tried the stand up paddleboards. All in all a great day at the beach. Back at the Sugar Barge on the roof deck played a band that night, and as I went to sleep outside in the cockpit I heard a Dixieland band playing.

Tuesday – July 31 Sugar Barge to King Island Resort
Motored for 5 hours to King Island resort who threw us a Luau Party complete with roasted pig. Luckily we were seated in the shade. Another band played oldies. I chose the pork which was bland but I heard the chicken was great. Another great day on the Delta.

Wednesday /Thursday– August 1+2  King Island Resort to Potato Slough (bedroom 2)
Motored about 2 hours to Potato Slough where we anchored for 2 nights. I spent 6 hours tearing apart the wind generator which stopped working due to friction (shaft rubbing) which eventually worked after shimming the bearing mount-whew!  Kayak, swam and had water fights for the next 2 hot days (air 80s and 90s, water was about 75). Thursday at sunset we rafted the dingies, shared drinks and snacks, and sang some classics to a guitarist. This was my favorite event because it was so simple; refreshments, new friends, and entertainment all while the sun was setting and the full moon was rising. Later that night some of us gathered on a catamaran until midnight where the men swapped sailing stories outside in the huge cockpit while the ladies “cackled” inside to “who knows what.” Great day Thursday of warmth, water activities, and new friends.

Friday - Aug 3 Potato Slough to Owl Harbor
Stayed in Potato Slough until 2pm then motored about 2 hours to Owl Harbor where they threw us a “New Orleans Style” Dinner and Party. Dinner included some wonderful ribs and Italian Ice for dessert.  The Band was funky and played into the night under a big tent with room for picnic tables and a dance floor (grass). It was strange that the boats were behind the levee that we ate below, so we were actually located under the boat keels. 

Saturday /Sunday – August 4+5 Owl Harbor back to San Francisco
Dave arrived with our minivan about 8am and we loaded all the family’s stuff and the kayaks. We all stayed for the pancake breakfast then the family set off on their long drive to San Diego while Dave and I set off with “Mariah” back toward San Francisco. During breakfast there was thunder and a brief downpour which was indicative of the changing weather to come (windy and cooler). Dave and I motored with the tide and made good time for about 6 hours until the wind piped up to 25 knots on the nose and we slowed to 2 knots. We ducked into Harris Marina which was kinda run down but met our needs. It felt like being in Mexico because of the dusty winds, run down condition of the Marina, complete with Mexican food carts. It was fun in a third world way. Dave and I took a walk around town which looked safe enough with all the police cars circling and found a nice wetlands park to stroll.  SV “Miss Conduct” also pulled in soon after and we had a nice chat.  We left at 6:30am Sunday to catch the tide which propelled us back to San Francisco in about 7 hours where we anchored back at Aquatic Park where Dave got a ride home.

Monday – Aug 6  Anchored at Aquatic Park in San Francisco
Being on my own today, it was time to do some cleaning and maintenance. Changed the engine oil and emptied the composting head which was getting ripe. Also vacuumed and did some electrical work. All in all a productive day. An 80’s retro radio station kept me company.

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