Thursday, June 6, 2013

The End of a Grand Adventure!!!

Cabin crammed with boom and gear.
 Mariah was prepared to be loaded on a semi truck at Marina Group Boatworks in Chula Vista. On Tuesday June 4, I spent a full day removing the radar and wind generator towers, davits with solar panel, and the sails, boom, and rigging.  It was a full day of preparation work but I got it done. On Wednesday, June 5 the truck arrived and we removed the mast with a crane and loaded Mariah on the semi truck from Dudley trucking with Driver Sal and his grandson who is taking over the business.

Mariah on Travellift

   I was very nervous about the whole operation, especially pulling the mast because it was my fist time and I didn't know what to expect.  But all went well with the skilled and friendly help of the boatyard staff and Sal.  Mariah is an impressive sight when out of the water because of her full keel. See Photos below.
Moving to truck

All loaded for shipping to Seattle

    So this marks the "End of and Incredible Adventure" (at least for now) while Mariah is being trucked back to Seattle where she will receive new paint and return home to Lake Union.  I have a weeks worth of boatwork ahead of me but look forward to returning home.

Top 10 List

    I hope those whole followed this Blog enjoyed sharing in the "Adventures of Mariah."  It is hard to summarize such an incredible experience and the successful realization of my lifelong dream so I thought Id make a “Top 10” list in chronological order of the highlights from my trip from Seattle to Banderas Bay so here it goes:

1.       Arriving by sail under the Golden Gate Bridge (bucket list) and cruising “The Bay”
1. and toasting to our arrival.


1. with the original Seattle crew Rhys, TR and Ken

1. Visiting with old buddies Dave and Dan in SF

1. and departing SF with Jeoff and Erick
2. Participating in the "Delta Doo Dah" 2012

2.      and enjoying the warmth and diversity of the Delta.

3. Visiting Catalina Island - Avalon                                                                                                               

3. and snorkeling at Emerald Cove with the Levin family      

4. Participating in the 2012 "Baja Ha Ha"

4. and meeting new friends.


5.       Experiencing the terrific cruising community at Marina La Paz and walks on the Malecon

6. Exploring the islands and bays near La Paz - like Balandra Bay

6. and visiting with Matt and Mayne and new friends

6. and campfires on the beach.

7.       My first multiday solo passage from La Paz to Banderas Bay (very peaceful experience)

8.       Surfing in and around Punta Mita (great anchorage)

9.       Exploring Banderas Bay (favorites include breaching whales, snorkeling Marieta Islands, waterfalls up the lush Yelapa valley, bus to Sayulitas)
9. Around Banderas Bay - Yelapa
9. Around Banderas Bay - Marieta Islands

10.   Relaxing at Paradise Resort Marina to include their many pools and hot tubs.

10.  Fun in the Pool

In conclusion, I wish you all fair winds and smooth sailing. 

Feel free to email me comments at 

   Ken and Mariah

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