Sunday, September 16, 2012

First week back home in Seattle 9-17-12

First week back home in Seattle 9-17-12

Hey Guys, Ive been home in Seattle for a week now. While applying for registry jobs Ive been working around the house and trying to be helpful and productive. Its amazing how busy we are just keeping things together around here. The house and cars need maintenance. The kids have school and sports activities. Just living the normal life in the suburbs is expensive and oh so BUSY. I spent 4 partial days just patching the driveway. Its crazy!!
Memories of Angel Island in San Francisco

Life of a boat, by comparison, is much simpler and cheaper but I guess it is a vacation from the real world...or is it. I heard about a recently divorced woman who is selling her house, bought a motorhome, and plans to travel the US while homeschooling her daughter. How cool is that!? I admire people who live outside of the box.

In this economy, I totally appreciated having a steady federal job at the VA but I yearn for adventure. And adventure is what I got this summer sailing from Seattle to San Diego with friends and family. What a great ride. It was better than dreamed. That dream will continue at the end of October as I continue sailing to Baja Mexico and enjoy 4 more months of the cruising dream. I hope my good fortune continues and all works out well. I bought 3 lottery tickets today with hope of financing further dreams.

Yesterday I attended my favorite activity; the Fisheries Boat Swap meet across from Gasworks park. I was again blessed with finding what I needed at cheap prices. I got a new jib sheet for $30, a flopper stopper for $10 (helps reduce rocking at anchor) and a back up winch handle $10. I splurged at the Second Wave used boat store and got some stove vent parts for the wood burning stove on board.

My buddy Andy checked on Mariah today and reported all is well. I feel bad leaving her all alone but I hope to see her soon. I was a little worried when I heard reports of high winds in San Diego but I guess all is fine for now. She is well anchored and will be checked on regularly. It may sound funny but I really try to take good care of Mariah so she will take good care of me and the crew.

Speaking of crew I have an opening for the Baha Ha Ha sail from San Diego to Cabo in late October for 2 weeks. Feel free to email me at if anyone is interested in a great trip. Andy is signed up but I want to have a third so I'll have to work on that.

Remember the Delta Do Dah regatta up the Delta in July? We'll there's an article in Latitude 38 about the event; here is a link to photos:!i=2053933901&k=pw3Z5qq   and here is the link to the article:
Look for the photo of the dingys anchored together and I am the one (with the hairy chest) standing in the back waving. I also took the aireal photos from my mast top at the marinas burried in the photo list. What a great event the Delta Doo Dah was...great sailing in warm weather, great fellow sailors, and great anchorages/marinas and activities. We would do it again in a heartbeat if we lived closer. We we so lucky it worked out!!!

Well its 11pm and I got to get some sleep before returning to the VA to work tomorrow as a per diem physical therapist. I need to work and make money for the remaining 5 weeks until returning to Mariah in San Diego and departing for MEXICO. Yee haa!!!!


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