Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday July 8, Port Townsend

Today was mostly spent doing boat projects. There are so many we had to prioritize which ones to do today. The list seems endless but Skip would appreciate that I sealed the front hatch and set up a reefing system for 3 mainsail reefs. It was nice being at a dock to help with project progress and to have electricity and Wifi.  The day began sunny and hot but cooled as the afternoon winds started to howl (20 to 25 knots). All in all a nice and productive day. We depart Monday for Port Angeles on the 9am falling tide.

Great sky above Port Townsend at sunset.
I did take a nice walk at day's end and saw the Hawaiian Cheiftan below, with a steel hull and great detail.

Hawaiian Cheiftan

Mariah's slip with sunset sky

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