Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday July 9, Neah Bay

Arrived Neah Bay about 10am after a long 12 hour bumpy ride.

We filled up on diesel for $3.30 per gallon without tax. Nice!

Not much at Neah Bay but a lot for commercial and recreational fisherman. The locals are very friendly.
We did visit the Neah Bay museum which was quite impressive.

We also visited the Coast Guard station and got weather and other useful info. They recommended a float plan so we emailed our vessel, departure and arrival info to our families.

So this is it!!! We will depart Wednesday morning about 9am for San Francisco hopefully non stop for 7-10 days. We are looking forward to actually raising sail and turning off the noisy and smelly diesel. Heading to Neah Bay was due west straight into the wind so we had to motor, but once we head south we should have a nice downwind sail.

No more internet until San Francisco so will update then. Enjoy the below photos.

Have a good week everyone.

Ken, Rhys, and TR
Sailor TR

"Fearful" Captain Ken

Impressive Macah Museum

Neah Bay Marina amidst fog

Huge Commercial Fishing Boats

Where's Mariah ?

Mariah at rest

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