Sunday, July 15, 2012

Toward Coos Bay, Sat July 14

Today is Saturday July 14 and we are currently 7pm motoring toward Coos Bay Oregon on flat windless seas. We hoped to sail nonstop from Neah Bay to San Francisco but there is a gale wind warning in northern California for Sunday so we thought it prudent to duck into shore for a day and wait for better weather. Unfortunately, after the gale may be too little wind to sail so we may be motoring more than hoped.
After departing Neah Bay on Wednesday and motoring  all day and into the night we found wind about 30 miles offshore. We continued to about 50 miles offshore in search of more favorable wind which we found Thursday. Both Thursday and Friday we sailed in 15 to 20m knots of wind with bumpy seas. It felt like being inside a washing machine…everything being shaken around. I felt mildly queasy much of the time but go used to it. After standing my 3 hour watch I didn’t feel like doing much other than reading or sleeping…mostly sleeping.
We saw a one whale in the distance Thursday and one Friday. There was also the occasional cargo ship and fishing boat. Late last night we were hailed by a research ship about 6 miles away asking us to change course to avoid something they were towing 6 miles long. We never did find out what it was but are guessing either a net or fishing line.
This morning when we started to motor Rhys said a four letter word – “Fire”!!!    There was smoke coming from the galley area. It smelled of antifreeze and we soon learned the engine was overheating. We shut it down, tightening a loose fitting and added antifreeze. We still were not sure of the initial cause of the engine overheating but all seems fine now.
We are currently entering the channel for Coos Bay so I better make myself useful.

1 comment:

  1. "We still were not sure of the initial cause of the engine overheating..." Great way to build the suspense, Ken.
