Saturday, July 21, 2012


Wow!! we made it. After 3 days of motoring the wind started to pick up about noon. We put up sails and then the spinnaker (Yea Baby!!). The wind piped up outside of San Francisco to we dropped the spinnaker and reefed down in preparation for our windy entrance to the bay. What a glorious day and we celebrated with champaign as be neared the bridge. The fog cleared, the wind was astern and spirits were high. After 2 weeks of travel we finally made it. The struggle made our arrival all the sweeter. It's been my dream (bucket list item) to sail under the Golden Gate Bridge and it lived up to the dream. I'll let the below photos and video do the talkin.

Its hard to comment on this blog so feel free to email me to say "hi."

Cheers, Ken

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